Suculentas \ Cactaceae \ Cactoideae \ Cacteae \ Astrophytum \ asterias

Astrophytum asterias
(Lemaire 1868)

This is a specie in a seious danger of extintion in its natural habitat; In spite of that it is wide spread among suculents enthusiasts and nowadays there is a large number of cultivars.
Protection Law
Global Level Cites I
Convenio sobre el Comercio Internacional de Especies Amenazadas de Fauna y Flora Silvestre

Morfología de la semilla.
Tipo Astrophytum

Dimensiones Aproximadas:

Principales Taxones:
Astrophytum asterias 'Super Kabuto'

Astrophytum asterias 'Super Kabuto'

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Otros Taxones:
Astrophytum asterias 'Hanazono'