Suculentas \ Cactaceae \ Cactoideae \ Cacteae \ Ferocactus \ wislizeni \ Spp herrerae

Ferocactus wislizeni Spp herrerae

Its main differences with the number of ribs, which are usually 13, the shorter, sturdy and flat backbone and radial spines, somewhat thin, flat and twisted.
This ferocactus impressive defense, the lateral spines produce punctures. The central, more powerful, it is oriented to produce extremely deep cuts similar to a plow.
This ferocactus impressive defense, the lateral spines produce punctures. The central, more powerful, it is oriented to produce extremely deep cuts similar to a plow.
Flake fruit.
Flake fruit.
One of the bristles of the areola. This is actually a thin and inconsistent spine, more or less flat cut and in some cases in a spiral. Despite its little consistency they are sharp and can cut into the skin. Measured around 0.6mm.
One of the bristles of the areola. This is actually a thin and inconsistent spine, more or less flat cut and in some cases in a spiral. Despite its little consistency they are sharp and can cut into the skin. Measured around 0.6mm.

Solitary plants although they may have several heads if it gets damaged its growth center. Globular initially but over time it becomes columnar, up to about 3m. Ribs and numerous very marked.

Protection Law
Global Level Cites II
Convenio sobre el Comercio Internacional de Especies Amenazadas de Fauna y Flora Silvestre
Morfología de la semilla.
Ferocactus wislizeni Spp herrerae;