Suculentas \ Cactaceae \ Cactoideae \ Hylocereeae


Etymology: Tribe of the plants that seem to the Hylocereus

Protection Law
Global Level Cites II
Convenio sobre el Comercio Internacional de Especies Amenazadas de Fauna y Flora Silvestre

Principales Taxones:
Disocactus (Lindley 1845)

Disocactus (Lindley 1845)

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Hylocereus (Britton & Rose 1909)

Hylocereus (Britton & Rose 1909)

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Selenicereus ((A. Berger) Britton & Rose 1909)

Selenicereus ((A. Berger) Britton & Rose 1909)

Etymology: Greek Selene (The Moon) and the Latin term means Cereus wax, and hence the term Cirio.
Origin: Central America, Caribbean and northern South America.

Cactus climbing or crawling who often live in the shadow of the trees clinging to these by small aerial roots. Prized for its enormous and spectacular night blooms, they are easy to grow. Leer Más

Otros Taxones: