Suculentas \ Euphorbiaceae \ Euphorbia \ resinifera

Euphorbia resinifera

Notable specimen belonging to the Botanical Garden of Valencia.
Notable specimen belonging to the Botanical Garden of Valencia.
Stem with suberificado strongly apex, this presents no risk to the health of laplanta.
Stem with suberificado strongly apex, this presents no risk to the health of laplanta.
Stem emerging strongly suberificado of two new outbreaks. thorns eventually happen to have a brown color.
Stem emerging strongly suberificado of two new outbreaks. thorns eventually happen to have a brown color.
Protection Law
Global Level Cites II
Convenio sobre el Comercio Internacional de Especies Amenazadas de Fauna y Flora Silvestre
ORDEN SCO/190/2004,
España Level Incluida
Prohíbe la venta de determinadas plantas para uso alimentario en razón de su toxicidad.