Suculentas \ Cactaceae \ Cactoideae \ Hylocereeae \ Selenicereus \ grandiflorus

Selenicereus grandiflorus
((Linnaeus) Britton & Rose 1909)

Plant similar to the natural look but in this case we are in the botanical garden of Valencia.
Plant similar to the natural look but in this case we are in the botanical garden of Valencia.
This flower is about 30 cm in diameter.
This flower is about 30 cm in diameter.
This flower is about 30 cm in diameter.
This flower is about 30 cm in diameter.
Stigma of the flower.
Stigma of the flower.
Detail of a flower.
Detail of a flower.
Detail of a flower.
Detail of a flower.
Protection Law
ORDEN SCO/190/2004,
España Level Incluida
Prohíbe la venta de determinadas plantas para uso alimentario en razón de su toxicidad.
Global Level Cites II
Convenio sobre el Comercio Internacional de Especies Amenazadas de Fauna y Flora Silvestre