Suculentas \ Cactaceae \ Cactoideae \ Cacteae \ Ferocactus \ pilosus

Ferocactus pilosus
(Werdermann 1933)

Relatively smaller than those typical of this genre, are extremely sharp.
Relatively smaller than those typical of this genre, are extremely sharp.
The old specimens eventually transformed into columnar.
The old specimens eventually transformed into columnar.
Areola adult in which a flower bud is appreciated.
Areola adult in which a flower bud is appreciated.
ripe fruit flavored sour apples.
ripe fruit flavored sour apples.
Scale of a ripe fruit.
Scale of a ripe fruit.
Protection Law
Global Level Cites II
Convenio sobre el Comercio Internacional de Especies Amenazadas de Fauna y Flora Silvestre
Morfología de la semilla.
Ferocactus pilosus (Werdermann 1933);